Thursday, February 6, 2014

Fun with Frozen!

I don't know about you, but it is snowing where I am. This is the PERFECT time to sit on the couch by the fireplace with a mug of hot chocolate, watching clips from the movie Frozen! When I saw this movie at Thanksgiving break 2013, I didn't think I would like it. I thought it would be too childish and cheesy. Well, I was in for a GREAT surprise! The animation was awesome, the storyline was interesting, the musical numbers were AMAZING, and the characters were funny and lovable!

I am going to share with you some of my favorite songs and scenes from the movie. If you haven't seen it, don't worry. I will not be giving anything TOO important away. Sit back and enjoy!

First up is the "First Time in Forever" song sung by Anna. Can you spot Eugene and Rapunzel Fitzherbert from the movie Tangled?

Next is my FAVORITE song in the ENTIRE movie!!! It is "Let it Go" sung by Elsa.

Can't get enough "Let it Go?" Try it in 25 different languages! It is really pretty!

Last is the "No Heat Experience" clip. I like the joke about who's the funky looking donkey!

Well, I hope you had fun!

See you soon!

Your friend,

<3 Blogging Bookworm <3

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